"It has also been noted that, despite the perception of Wikipedia as a "shining example of Web democracy" "a small number of people are running the show."[64] Despite the need for some form of control in an open system, this "doesn't explain the kind of territorialismÑthe authorial domination by 1 percent of contributorsÑon the site's pages." ......... "Among the allegations of administrator abuse, one often finds claims that the administrators have become a clique whose goals or viewpoints set them apart from ordinary users. An article on The Register, dated 4 December 2007 and entitled "Secret mailing list rocks Wikipedia", alleged the use of a private mailing list to coordinate administrative actions.[68]"
Denunciation of organized Jewish corruption on Prof. Santilli's article at Wikipedia
Denunciation of organized Jewish control of Coast to Coast
Denunciation of organized Jewish Scientific Crime in the U.S chemistry
Anti-Semitism by Jews for Claims that Prof. Santilli is anti-Semitic
Denunciation of Scientific Gangsterism by the Jewish physicist Steven Weinberg
Anti-America and Anti-Israel posturing at the St. Petersburg Times, Florida, May 10, 2007
Denunciation of Wikipedia Scientific Gangsterism
Documentation of Ethical Decay in Physics by Prof. R. M. Santilli
Open Submission and Notice to Cease and Desist to the Journal of Mathematical Physics
Denunciation of editorial misconduct at the Astrophysical Journal
2007 update of the Ethical Probe of Eoinstein Followers in the U.S.A.
1984 Ethical Probe of Einstein's Followers in the U.S.A., an Insider's View,
Open Complaint of the Editors of
World Scientific
Open appeal to contain ethical decay in physics and mathematics
Letter to Dr. D. Hamilton of the U. S. Department of Energy
Letter to Dr. BENGT NAGEL, Chairman, Nobel Committee for Physics
The U.S. Copyright Act, Sect. 101 et seq., the U. S. Statute on Tort, the International Berne Convention on Copyright Protection, and other U. S. and international laws against unintentional or fraudulent plagiarism, support:
# CIVIL PROCEEDINGS to secure financial compensation for the unintentional copying of even a small part of copyrighted publications (e.g., ''copying a few words out of a book containing 200,000 words''); and
# CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS when the plagiarism has been an intentional premeditated fraud, as well as for other deceptions damaging to society, such as the premeditated suppression of the existence of major inconsistencies in physical theories when fully known to the authors-editors-publishers.
July 18, 1999
In the absence of immediate corrective measures to OUR satisfaction, we shall sue in civil and-or criminal court all authors, editors, and publishers who have in the past, or continue in the future to plagiarize, either in part or in full, the following PARAMETRIC DEFORMATION OF LIE THEORY, AND OF HEISENBERG EQUATION in their infinitesimal and finite versions
(A, B) = pAB - qBA = m(AB - BA) + n (AB + BA),
idA/dT = (A, H) = pAH - qHA,
A(t) = exp(itqH)A(0)exp(-itpH),
without: A) quoting; B) outlining; and C) identifying in full the first origination of the above deformations in Santilli's Ph. D. studies of 1967 published in the copyrighted Refs. [1,2,3] (see Ref. [1], Eq. (8) p. 573 for the very first (p,q)-deformation of the Lie product - evidence for a prior formulation is solicited).
It should be noted that, prior to releasing Ref. [1] for publication, Santilli (a physicist) spent one full year in European mathematics libraries to identify the prior literature on the abstract algebra with his product (A,B), which he did success in tracing to the notion of Lie-admissibility formulated in the 1940's by the famous American mathematician A. A. Albert (although without realization of the product). Such a serious dedication to quote prior references, and Albert notion of Lie-admissibility have been suppressed by authors-editors-publishers in the widespread literature in deformations, by ignoring numerous calls to scientific honesty, thus leaving no other recourse than that at Law.
In particular, the first known (p,q)- deformation of the SU(2)-spin algebra was presented by Santilli at the 1980 Clausthal meeting in differential geometry and published in the copyrighted Ref. [11] plagiarized by countless individuals without any quotation of its first origination, as well as with the vulgar suppression of Albert's paternity of the underlying algebra (the first thing taught in graduate school is to identify the algebra of the brackets of the time evolution as necessary to do serious research, which is routinely done for quantum formulations, but systematically suppressed for deformations, evidently for personal gains, an unethical posture that will be duly treated in the sole remaining manner, the Federal Court).
In the absence of immediate corrective measures to OUR satisfaction, we shall sue in civil and-or criminal court all authors, editors, and publishers who have in the past, or continue in the future to plagiarize in part or in full the following OPERATOR DEFORMATION (ISOTOPY) OF
LIE'S THEORY including, but not limiting to the isotopies of the basic unit, associative product, enveloping associative algebras, Lie algebras, Lie groups, Lie symmetries, etc.,
I* = 1/T = I^+ /not = 1,
AoB = ATB, I*oA = Ao*I = A,
[A, B]* = AoB - BoA = ATB - BTA,
A(w) = exp(iwXT)A(0)exp(-iwTX), X = X+,
today internationally known as the "Lie-Santilli isotheory", as originally presented in the copyrighted publications [4,5,7] and then studied in a large variety of independent works, e.g., Refs. [38,57,58,70].
It should be noted that, prior to releasing his first volume with Springer-Verlag when at MIT in 1977 and at Harvard University in 1978, Santilli spent one full year in the Cantabridgean libraries to identify the entire history of the inerrability conditions for the existence of a Lagrangian or a Hamiltonian, which he traced all the way to Helmholtz. Such a commitment to prior references is nowadays generally absent in scientific works, where the prior literature structurally related to the work at hand is vulgarly suppressed by numerous author under the support by editors and publishers, in evident disrespect of ethics and science, thus leaving no other recourse than that at Law. In the final analysis, if we do not quote our predecessors, how can anybody, in turn, possibly expect to be quoted ?
In the absence of immediate corrective measures to OUR satisfaction, we shall sue in civil and-or criminal court all authors, editors, and publishers who have in the past, or continue in the future to plagiarize in part or in full the following broader BIMODULAR OPERATOR DEFORMATIONS (GENOTOPY) OF
LIE' THEORY, including, but not limiting to the genotopies of the unit, associative product, universal associative algebras, Lie algebras, Lie groups, Lie symmetries, etc.
I_R = 1/S = (I_L)+ = (1/S)+
A (x_R) B = ASB, A (x_L) B = ARB
(A, B) = A (x_L) B - B (x_R) A = ARB - BSA,
A(w) = exp(iwXS)A(0)exp(-iwRX), R = S+, X = X+,
today internationally known as "Lie-Santilli genotheory" or "Santilli's Lie-admissible theory", as originally proposed in the following copyrighted publications [5,6,7,8,58,62].
In the absence of immediate corrective measures to OUR satisfaction, we shall sue in civil and-or criminal court all authors, editors, and publishers who have in the past, or continue in the future to plagiarize in part or in full the following broader MULTI-VALUED BIMODULAR OPERATOR DEFORMATIONS (HYPERLIFTING) OF LIE'S THEORY, including, but not limited to the hyperlifting of the unit, associative product, universal associative algebras, Lie algebras, Lie groups, Lie symmetries, etc., characterized by the preceding equations in which the generalized units are multivalued. These hyperliftings are internationally known as the "Lie-Santilli-Vougiouklis hypertheory", and published in the copyrighted publications: [59] (hyper-Lie theories formulated via multi-valued units and conventional operations, as used in physics); [56] (hyper-Lie theory formulated via hyperoperations, as used in pure mathematics); and monograph [67] (general treatment).
In the absence of immediate corrective measures to OUR satisfaction, we shall sue in civil and-or criminal court all authors, editors, and publishers who plagiarize in part or in full
Santilli's ISO-, GENO-, AND HYPER-MATHEMATICS, which is characterized by: a Hermitean, nonhermitean and nonhermitean multivalued generalized unit I = I/T, respectively; the corresponding lifting of the associative product AB into the form A*B = ATB admitting of I as the correct left and right unit; the corresponding iso-, geno- and hyper real numbers, complex numbers, quaternion and octonions; the corresponding iso-, geno, and hyper-spaces over corresponding iso-, geno-, and hyper-fields; corresponding iso-, geno-, and hyper- conventional and special functions and transforms; the corresponding iso-, geno-, and hyper-differential calculus with generalized differentials and derivatives
Dx = I dx, D/Dx = T d/dx, Dx^i/Dx^j = I delta^i_j,
where d is the conventional partial differential and / is the iso-, geno, or hyper-quotient, as worked out in detail in the copyrighted publications [4] (origination of the iso- and geno- mathematics), [40] (origination of iso-, geno- and hyper-numbers), [37] (origination of iso-, geno- and hyper spaces, functions, transforms, etc.), [59 (origination of the iso-, geno-, and hyper-calculus, topology, manifolds, geometries, etc.).
In the absence of immediate corrective measures to OUR satisfaction, we shall sue in civil and-or criminal court all authors, editors, and publishers who plagiarize in part or in full
Santilli's ISODUAL CONVENTIONAL, ISODUAL ISO_, ISODUAL GENO_, AND ISODUAL HYPER-MATHEMATICS, which is characterized by the following anti-isomorphic map of an arbitrary quantity and the entirety of its underlying conventional, iso-, geno-, and hyper-mathematics
A = A(x, ...) -> A^d = A^d(x^d, ...) = -A^+(-x^+, .
thus including isodual conventional, isodual iso-, isodual geno- and isodual hyper- numbers, spaces, differential calculus, topologies, manifolds, geometries, etc., as originally proposed and then developed by Santilli in the following copyrighted publications: [26] (origination of the isodual map); [40] (origination of isodual iso-, geno- and hyper-numbers); [37] (origination of isodual iso-, geno- and hyper spaces, functions, transforms, etc.); [59] (origination of the isodual iso-, geno-, and hyper-calculus, topology, manifolds, geometries, etc.); [67] (general presentation).
In the absence of immediate corrective measures to OUR satisfaction, we shall sue in civil and-or criminal court all authors, editors, and publishers who have in the past, or continue in the future to plagiarize in part or in full HADRONIC MECHANICS, whether in its conceptual, mathematical, and physical foundations, or in any of its applications and experimental verifications in particle physics, nuclear physics, superconductivity, chemistry, biology, astrophysics, and cosmology, with particular reference, but not limited to the following main aspects:
# 7-A: plagiarize the foundations of HADRONIC MECHANICS, as originally proposed by R. M. Santilli when at Harvard University in 1978 and presented in the copyrighted publications [5,37,61];
# 7-B: plagiarize the classical foundations of HADRONIC MECHANICS,
Santilli's iso-, geno-, and hyper-mechanics, as first formulated in the copyrighted Ref. [59], and characterized by: iso-, geno-, and hyper-Newton equations; generalized action A defined on iso-, geno-, or hyper-spaces over corresponding fields; iso-, geno-, and hyper-dynamical equations
Dr^k/Dt = DH/Dp_k = I^k_i(t, r, p, ...)dH/dp_i,
Dp_k/Dt = -DH/Dr^k = - T_k^i(t, r, p, ...)dH/dr^i,
iso-, geno-, and hyper Hamilton-Jacobi-Santilli equations
DA/dt + H = T_t dA/dt + H 0,
DA/Dr^k^ = T_k^i dA/dr^i = p_k,
DA/dp_k = I^k_i dA/dp_i = 0,
where the symbols are defined above;
# 7-C: plagiarize the Animalu-Lin-Santilli iso-, geno, and hyper- quantization
A -> - i h I log | >
(where h stands for h/2 pi) first published in the copyrighted Ref. [28,29,37];
# 7-D: plagiarize the central assumption of HADRONIC MECHANICS, the generalization of
Planck's constant h = 1 of quantum mechanics into a nonsingular yet arbitrary,
hermitean, nonhermitean or multivalued operator I(t, r, p. psi, ...)
h = 1 -> I = 1/T;
first originated by Santilli in the copyrighted proposals [4,5,6,7]
# 7-E: plagiarize Santilli's iso-Heisenberg's equations
A(t) = exp(iHTt)A(0)exp(-itTH), I = 1/T = I^+,
idA/dt = [A, H]* = ATH - HTA,
[p,r]* = pTr - rTp = hI = 1/T;
originally proposed in the copyrighted Ref. [5];
# 7-F: plagiarize Santilli's geno-Heisenberg's equations
A(t) = exp(iHSt)A(0)exp(-itRH), I_R = 1/S = (I_L)^+ = (1/R)^+,
idA/dt = (A, H) = A x_L H - H x_R A = ARH - HSA,
(p,r)> = pRr - rSp = h I_R or h(I_L),
also originally proposed in the copyrighted publication [5]
# 7-G: plagiarize Santilli hyper-Heisenberg's equations, which are the preceding ones in which R and S are multivalued [37,67]
# 7-H: plagiarize Mignani-Myung-Santilli iso-Schroedinger equation
i(d/dt)| > = H*| > = H(r, p) T(t, r, psi, d(psi)/dr, ...) | >, I = 1/T = I+
and Mignani-Myung-Santilli geno-Schroedinger equation
i(d/dt)| > = H (x_R) | > = H S(t, r, psi, d(psi)/dr, ...) | >,
< | (x_L) H = < | R(t, r, psi, d(psi)/dr, ...) H = - < | (dt/d),,
jointly discovered in the copyrighted Refs. [10] (Santilli's origination of the representation theory of Lie-admissible or Lie-isotopic algebras on bimodules, of which the Schroedinger's representation is an evident particular case); [12] (Mignani's generalized equation on conventional Hilbert spaces), [13,14] (Myung and Santilli original formulation of the generalized Schroedinger's equations on iso-, and geno-Hilbert spaces), and [18] (the subsequent joint formulation by Mignani, Myung and Santilli).
# 7-I: plagiarize Santilli's first achievement of a consistent operator form of the linear momentum, thanks to the previous discovery of the iso-, geno-, and hyper- differential calculus
p_k*| > = p_k T | > = i D_k | > = i h T_k^i d_i | >
(whose symbols have been defined above), first achieved in the copyrighted Ref. [59];
# 7-J: plagiarize Santilli classical and operator ISODUAL THEORY OF ANTIMATTER, which is characterized by negative-definite conventional, hermitean, nonhermitean and multivalued units, and related isodual mathematics, as first published in the copyrighted Refs, [48] (origination and proof of equivalence to charge conjugation), [64] (prediction of the isodual photon emitted by antimatter which can be experimentally distinguished by the ordinary photon), [78] (detailed classical treatment and the prediction of antigravity for antimatter in the field of matter or vice-versa, first formulated under isoduality in the copyrighted Ref. [46], with related causal spacetime machine).
# 7-K plagiarize the construction of the isotopic branch of hadronic mechanics via the simple nonunitary transforms
1 -> I = U1U^+ = I^+ not = 1;
n -> = UnU^+ = n(UU^+) = nI,
AB -> U(AB)U^+ = A'TB', A' = UAU^+, B' = UBU^+, T = (UU^+)^{-1},
expX -> U(expX)U^+ = isoexpX = (exp(XT)I = Iexp(TX),
AB - BA -> A'TB' - B'TA',
H| > -> UH|> = HÕ T |*>, T = (UU^+)^{-1|}. |*> = U| >.
< | > -> U<|>U^+ = <*|T|*>I,
with the genotopic branch of hadronic mechanics constructed via the dual nonunitary map
UU^+ not = I, WW^+ not = 1,
1 ->I_R = UW^+ = 1/S,
1 -> I_L = WU^+ = (I_R)^+ = 1/R,
AB -> U(AB)W^+ = A (x_R) B = A'SB',
BA -> W(BA)U^+ = B (x_L) A = BRA,
AB - BA -> A (x_L) B - B (x_R) A,
H| > -> UH| > = H' S | >,
< | H -> < | H W = <*|RH',
identified by Santilli since Ref. [5] of 1978, and corresponding simple construction of hyperstructural equations (see the recent account [61]).
# 7-L: plagiarize the invariance of hadronic mechanics achieved thanks to the iso-, geno-, and hyper-mathematics, via the reconstruction on generalized spaces over generalized fields of canonicity, linearity and unitarity, e.g., via the reformulations fort the isotopic case
WW^+ not = 1,
W = wT^{1/2),
WW^+ = w*w^+ = w^+ *w = I,
I -> I' = w*I*w^+ = I, i.e., the isounit is numerically invariant,
A*B -> w*(A*B)*w^+ = A' * B' = A' T B, where T is numerically invariant,
with a similar invariance for the remaining geno and hyper-formulations and their isoduals.
# 7-M: lawsuits will be filed without notice against anybody who denies without rigorous disproof:
1) the "direct universality" of hadronic mechanics, that is, its capability of representing all infinitely possible, nonlinear, nonlocal and nonunitary generalizations of quantum mechanics (universality), directly in the frame of the observer without any need of the transformation theory (direct universality);
2) hadronic mechanics as the only known invariant and consistent formulation of nonlinear, nonlocal and nonunitary theories;
3) the abstract identity of quantum and hadronic mechanics, the latter one merely providing a broader realization of established, abstract, quantum axioms, as a consequence of which hadronic mechanics verifies established laws
(Pauli's exclusion principle, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, causality, etc.).
# 7-N: plagiarize any of the various applications and experimental verifications of hadronic mechanics, such as:
# Fronteau-Santilli-Teller Arenas formulation of a credible statistics , that with an intrinsic irreversible structure [9];
# Santilli's first prediction that nonpotential interactions in general, and strong interactions in particular, can accelerate particles in interior conditions beyond the speed of light [16], and its first known phenomenological verification by de Sabbata and Gasperini [17];
# Kalnay's Lie-admissible quantization of Nambu's mechanics for triplets [20], and the proof by Kalnay and Santilli [21] that it is a particular case of hadronic mechanics;
# The first isotopies of gauge theories originated by Gasperini [22], Nishioka [23], Karajannis and Jannussis [27], and others;
# the hadronic scattering theory with additional nonlinear, nonlocal and nonpotential effects for deep inelastic scattering among extended, nonspherical and deformable hadrons, initiated by Mignani [24] and Santilli [37, Vol. II, Ch. 12], and now studied by various experimentalists;
# Mignani-Santilli isotopies of quark theories, with all conventional quantum numbers, the first known exact confinement of isoquarks (but not of quarks....) with an identically null probability of tunnel effects (because the internal Myung-Santilli iso-Hilbert and the external Hilbert spaces are incoherent), and a convergent (sic) perturbative series under strong interactions (because in all associative product A*B = ATB, |T| < 1, thus turning all conventionally divergent series into strongly convergent generalized forms), as originally published in [24] (Mignani's first proof of isomorphism between the isotopic symmetry with the Lie-Santilli isoproduct ATB - BTA, |T| > 0, and conventional SU(3) symmetry with product AB - BA), [33] (Mignani-Santilli first construction of the isorepresentation of the isotopic SU(3) algebras), [53] (Santilli's explicit construction of the isoquark theory with Kalnay's Lie-admissible quantization of Nambu's mechanics).
# Santilli's first achievement via hadronic mechanics of an exact, numerical and invariant representation of ALL characteristics of the neutron as a hadronic bound state of a proton and electron totally compressed in its hyperdense interior, according to Rutherford's original conception, as first published in the copyrighted Refs. [30] (representation of all characteristics at the nonrelativistic level) and [39,41] (relativistic extension).
# the first exact-numerical representation of total nuclear magnetic moments [49,76] via extended, nonspherical and deformable nucleons represented via the generalized units;
# the prediction of the new, subnuclear, "hadronic energy" [47] via the stimulated decay of the neutron which is permitted when having Rutherford's original structure verifying hadronic mechanics, while strictly prohibited when the neutron constituents are the conjectural quark verifying quantum mechanics;
# the new method of recycling nuclear waste via the stimulated decay of its peripheral neutrons [62];
# the first nonlocal isotopic theory of the Bose-Einstein correlation [34] and its exact fit by Cardone and Mignani [60];
# Animalu's isosuperconductivity [50] with the first, credible, theoretical representation of ONE (rather than an ensemble of) Cooper pair in which the identical electrons have a strong mutual attraction overcoming the repulsive Coulomb force when in singlet coupling at sufficiently small distances to activate hadronic ,mechanics, as additionally studied in details in the copyrighted Ref. [54];
# the first explicit and concrete realization of hidden variables, generalization of Bell's inequalities, and all that via hadronic mechanics and the isoeigenvalue equations H*| > = H T | > = E | >, which are "hidden" in the abstract axioms of quantum mechanics because at the abstract level "H | >" and "H*| >" coincide, since they are both associative right modular [68,37;
# Santilli-Shillady hadronic chemistry [77], and related new isochemical model of molecular structure with a new strong force between pairs of valence electrons in singlet couplings (absent in quantum chemistry), which achieves for the first time a representation of binding energies, electric and magnetic moments exact to the seventh digit, and numerous other advances simply unthinkable for quantum chemistry;
# the newly discovered Santilli magnecules [73], which are conventional atoms and molecules under a NEW strong bond caused by the polarization in a plane of the orbits of the valence electrons and emerging new magnetic moments which are 1,415 stronger than nuclear magnetic moments;
# the new clean fuels and energies which are predicted and quantitatively studied by hadronic mechanics at the particle, nuclear, and molecular levels, as under developments at this writing (July 18, 1999) in various industries [80];
# and various other applications and experimental verifications.
In the absence of immediate corrective measures to OUR satisfaction, we shall sue in civil and-or criminal court all authors, editors, and publishers who have in the past, or continue in the future to plagiarize in part or in full SANTILLI'S ISOSPECIAL RELATIVITY, whether in its conceptual, mathematical, and physical foundations, or in any of its applications and experimental verifications in particle physics, nuclear physics, superconductivity, chemistry, biology, astrophysics, and cosmology, with particular reference, but not limited to the following main aspects:
# Santilli's first isotopies of the Minkowski spacetime with conventional metric m, achieved in the copyrighted paper [19] of 1983 with isospacetime interval
x^2 = x^i M_ij x^j = x^i (T_i^k m_ki) x^j =
x^1 b_1^2 x^1 + x^2 b_2^2 x^2 + x^3 b_3^2 x^3 - x^4 b_4^2 x^,
# Santilli's first isotopies of : the rotational symmetry [26]; the SU(2)-spin symmetry [41]; the Lorentz symmetry [19]; the Poincare' symmetry [42] and the spinorial covering of the Poincare' symmetry [51]; and the proof that for positive-definite isounits, all of them are isomorophic to the conventional symmetries.
# Santilli's systematic studies of the new isominkowskian geometry, initiated in [19], continued in [37], and recently presented in Ref. [71] via the unification of the Minkowskian and Riemannian geometries;
# The achievement of an axiomatically consistent operator formulation of gravity in the copyrighted Ref. [52], reached via the isotopic factorization of Riemannian metrics g(x) = T(x)m, and the embedding of the matrix T representing gravity in the UNIT of relativistic quantum mechanics, whose axioms are preserved(since | T | > 0), thus achieving the first known consistent operator form of gravity (since all interactions except gravity are regulated by the basic Poincare' symmetry);
# The achievement of the first known universal SYMMETRY (rather than covariance) for all possible Riemannian gravitational models which is isomorphic to the Poincare' symmetry, achieved via their identical reformulation in Minkowski-Santilli isospaces [42], which invariance is an evident NECESSARY pre-requisite for all credible grand unifications;
# The isotopies of Galilei's and the special relativity achieved in the copyrighted monographs [31] of 1991, then studies in the copyrighted monographs [37] of 1993, and all copyrighted papers quoted in this fair warning, where the copyrighted coverage is specially intended for the isotopies of the various basic axioms of said relativities (see Ref. [32] by Jannussis et al for the first application and examples of Santilli's isogalilean relativity,. and Ref. [36] by Mignani on the first application and verification of Santilli's isospecial relativity, followed by numerous others).
# The geometric unification of the special and general relativity for matter and antimatter, first reached in Ref. [37] with detailed geometric study in Ref. [76], which is another evident NECESSARY pre-requisite for any credible grand unification;
# Santilli's iso-grand-unification encompassing all known classical and operator interactions for matter and antimatter, reached in the copyrighted Ref. [66] via the embedding of gravity for matter in positive-definite generalized units of unified gauge theories, and the embedding of gravity for antimatter in negative-definite generalized units, resulting in the only known axiomatically consistent and invariant grand unification (see below for the inconsistencies of other generalizations), as entirely, uniquely and unambiguously characterized by the symmetry [Poincare'-Santilli isosymmetry for matter]x[isodual Poincare'-Santilli isosymmetry for antimatter];
# Santilli's isoselfdual cosmology [72], the first one characterized by a UNIVERSAL SYMMETRY (rather than local covariance), with intriguing features such as: equal amounts of matter and antimatter (as a limit case); identically null total characteristics of time, energy, and other physical quantities; lack of need for the "missing mass" because in the isoequivalence principle E = MC^2, the average value C = c/n for the universe is bigger than that of light in vacuum due to the bigger contributions from interior astrophysical problems (where the maximal causal speed is bigger than the speed of light in vacuum as per evidence indicated below); and other features, with natural geno-, and hyper-cosmologies, the latter one being the first to permit a credible inclusion of biological systems as required by the term "universe";
# Experimental verification by Cardone et al [35] of the validity of Santilli's isominkowskian geometry for the geometrization of the interior of hadrons, subsequently confirmed by Arestov and al. [75], with confirmation of the hypothesis of 1982 [16] of causal speeds in the interior of hadrons bigger than that of light in vacuum;
# Experimental verification by Mignani [36] of Santilli's isospecial relativity via its axiom of isodoppler's redshift that permits the exact numerical representation of the large difference in cosmological redshifts between certain quasars and galaxies when physically connected according to clear spectroscopic evidence. The interpretation is merely achieved via the invariant isotopic treatment of the DECREASE of the speed of light in the huge quasars chromospheres, as a result of which light exits said quasar chromospheres already redshifted in an amount much bigger than that exiting galaxies whose isolated stars have much smaller isodoppler effects;
# Experimental verification of the isospecial relativity via the sole known quantitative-numerical representation of the quasars internal red- and blue-shifts [55];
# and various other applications and verifications.
Individual authors, editors, and publishers, are informed that, CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS will be filed in the event of publication of generalized theories afflicted by catastrophic inconsistencies as identified in the copyrighted Refs. [15,43,44,45,62,64,65,77] under full prior awareness of the same and without immediate corrective measures.
We are here referring to another vulgar condition of our physics community whereby a number of (but certainly not all) authors-editors-publishers release papers on theories possessing a NONUNITARY TIME EVOLUTION, under their documented awareness that such a structure implies the following known inconsistencies [loc. cit.], yet with the premeditated deception of avoiding their quotation:
1) Nonunitary theories do not leave invariant the basic units of time, length, energy, etc., thus having no possible confrontation with experiments (no unit 1 is preserved under nonunitary transforms 1 ->
1' = U'U^+, UU+ not = 1);
2) Nonunitary theories do not contain observable quantities (because Hermiticity is not preserved by nonunitary transforms - Lopez lemma [45]), thus having no physical value of any known type;
3) Nonunitary theories have non-unique and non-invariant numerical predictions (because the conventional and special functions and transforms used in the data elaboration are both nonunique and noninvariant under nonunitary transforms);
4) Nonunitary theories violate causality (because there exist nonunitary transforms for which the effects precede the cause), and consequently violate other known basic laws;
5) Nonunitary theories grossly violate Galilei's and
Einstein's relativities (because of their known strictly unitary character).
This can be easily seen by the fact that the map from the Minkowski metric m to any Riemannian metric g(x)
m -> g(x)= U(x)mU^+(x),
is necessarily NONCANONICAL at the classical level and necessarily NONUNITARY at the operator level. In the absence of a disproof published in refereed journals (rather than via idle talks in dirty academic corridors), catastrophic physical inconsistencies can be suppressed in publications, without immediate ciorrective actisons, only by physicists deserving criminal prosecutions. <[> Again, everybody is free to publish physics papers based on the Riemannian representation of gravity, provided that their catastrophic inconsistencies are either disproved or quoted. Anybody who disagrees with these minial rules of scientific ethics deserves to be sued.
Corrections-updates-extensions of the following literature are solicited.
1. R. M. Santilli, Nuovo Cimento Vol. 51, p. 571 (1967
2. R. M. Santilli, Nuovo Cimento Suppl. Vol. 6, p. 1225 (1968)
3. R. M. Santilli, Meccanica Vol. 1, p. 3 (1969)
4. R. M. Santilli, Hadronic J. Vol. 1, p. 228 (1978)
5. R. M. Santilli, Hadronic J. Vol. 1, p. 574 (1978)
6. R. M. Santilli, Hadronic J. Vol. 1, pp. 226, 574, and 1278, 1978
7. R. M. Santilli, "Foundations of Theoretical Physics", Vol. I (1978) and II (1983), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg-New York;
8. R. M. Santilli, "Lie-Admissible Approach to the Hadronic
Structure", Vol. I (1978), II (1983), Hadronic Press, Nonantum
9. J. Fronteau, A. Tellez Arenas and R. M. Santilli, Hadronic J. 3, 130 (1979)
10. R. M. Santilli, Hadronic J. Vol. 3, p. 440 (1979)
11. R. M. Santilli, Hadronic J. Vol. 4, p. 1166 (1981)
12. R. Mignani, Hadronic J. Vol. 4, p. 2185 (1981) and Vol. 4, p. 1120 (1982)
13. H. C. Myung and R. M. Santilli, Hadronic J. Vol. 5, p. 1277 (1982)
14. H. C. Myung and R. M. Santilli, Hadronic J. Vol. 5, p. 1367 (1982)
15. . Okubo, Hadronic J. 5, 1667 (1982)
16. . M. Santilli, Lett. Nuovo Cimento Vol. 33, p. 145 (1982)
17. . de Sabbata and M. Gasperini Lett. Nuovo Cimento Vol. 34, p. 337 (1982)
18. R. Mignani, H. C. Myung and R. M. Santilli, Hadronic J. Vol. 6, p. 1878 (1983)
19. R.M.Santilli, Nuovo Cimento Lett. 37, 545 (1983)
20. A. J. Kalnay, Hadronic J. 6, 1 (1983)
21. A. Kalnay and R. M. Santilli, Hadronic J. 6, 1798 (1983)
22. M. Gasperini, Hadronic J. Vol. 6, pp. 935 and 1462 (1983)
23. M. Nishioka, Hadronic J. Vol. 6, p. 1489 (1983); and Lett. Nuovo Cimento Vol. 40, p. 309 (1983)
24. R. Mignani, Lett. Nuovo Cimento Vol. 39, p. 413 (1984)
25. R. Mignani, Lett. Nuovo Cimento Vol. 39, p. 406 (1984)
26. R. M. Santilli, Hadronic J. Vol. 8, pp. 25 and 36 (1985)
27. G. Karajannis and A. Janmnussis, Hadronic J. Vol. 9, p. 203 (1986)
28. D. B. Lin, Hadronic J. Vol. 11, p. 81 (1988)
29. A. O. E. Animalu and R. M. Santilli, in "Hadronic Mechanics and Nonpotential
Interactions", M. Mijatovic, editor, Nova Science (1990)
30. R. M. Santilli, Hadronic J. vol. 13, p. 513 (1990)
31. R. M. Santilli, "Isotopic Generalization of Galilei's and Einstein's
Relativities", Vol. I and II, Hadronic Press (1991);
32. A. Jannussis, M. Mijatovic and B. Veljanowski, Physics Essays 4, 202 (1991)
33. R. Mignani and R. M. Santilli, ICTP preprint IC/91-48, unpublished (1991)
34. R. M. Santilli, Hadronic J. Vol. 15, pp. 1 and 79 (1992)
35. F. Cardone et al., J. Phys G. Vol. 18, pp. L61 and L141 (1992)
36. Mignani, Physics Essay Vol. 5, p. 531 (1992)
37. R. M. Santilli, "Elements of Hadronic Mechanics", Vol. I and II (1993), Ukraine Academy of Sciences, Kiev.
38. D. S. Sourlas and Gr. Tsagas, "Mathematical Foundations of the Lie-Santilli
Theory", Ukraine Academy of Sciences, Kiev (1993).
39. R. M. Santilli, JINR publication E4-93-351 (1993)
40. R. M. Santilli, Algebras, Groups and Geometries Vol. 10, 273 (1993)
41. R. M. Santilli, JINR Rapid Comm. 6, 24 (1993)
42, R. M. Santilli, J. Moscow Phys. Soc. 3, 255 (1993)
43. A. Jannussis and D. Skaltsas, Ann. Fond. Broglie 18, 137 (1993)
44. A. Jannussis, R. Mignani and R. M. Santilli, Ann. Found. L. de Broglie Vol. 18, p. 371 (1993)
45. F. Lopez, Hadronic J. Vol. 16, p. 429 (1993); and in "Symmetry Methods in
Physics" (Smorodinski's Memorial Volume), A. N. Sissakian, et al., Editors, JINR, Dubna, Russia (1994)
46. R. M. Santilli, Hadronic J. Vol. 17, pp. 257 and 285 (1994)
47. R. M. Santilli, Hadronic J. Vol. 17, p. 311 (1994)
48. R. M. Santilli, Comm. Theor., Phys. Vol. 3, p. 153 (1994)
49. R. M. Santilli, "Dubna Deuteron 1993", JINR publ;. E2-94-95 (1994)
50. A. O. E. Animalu, Hadronic J. Vol. 17, p. 379 (1994)
51. R. M. Santilli, Chinese J. Syst. Eng. & Electr. vol. 6, p. 177 (1995)
52. R. M. Santilli, Comm. Theor. Phys. Vol. 4, p. 1 (1995)
53. R. M. Santilli, Comm. Theor. Phys. Vol. 4, p. 123 (1995)
54. A. O. E. Animalu and R. M. Santilli, Int. J. Quantum Chemistry Vol. 29, p. 175 (1995)
55. R. M. Santilli, in Frontiers of Fundamental Physics, M. Barone and F. Selleri, Editors, Plenum, New York (1995)
56. R. M. Santilli and T. Vougiouklis, in "New Frontiers in
Mathematics", T. Vougiouklis, editor, Hadronic Press (1995)
57. J. V. Kadeisvili, "An introduction to the Lie-Santilli isotopic
theory", Rendiconti Circolo Matematico Palermo, Suppl. Vol., 42 (1996);
58. J. V. Kadeisvili, Math. Methods in Applied Sciences Vol. 19, p. 1349 (1996)
59. R. M. Santilli, Rendiconti Circolo Matematico Palermo, Suppl. Vol. 42, p. 7 (1996)
60. F. Cardone and R. Mignani, JETP Vol. 83, p. 435 (1996)
61. R. M. Santilli, Found. of Phys. Vol. 27, p. 305 (1997)
62. R. M. Santilli in "Large Scale Collective Motion of Atomic
Nuclei", G. Giardina et al., Editors, World Scientific (1997)
63. R. M. Santilli, Found. Phys. Vol. 27, p. 1159 (1997).
64. R. M. Santilli, Hyperfine Interactions Vol. 109, p. 63 (1997)
65. D. Schuch, Phys. Rev. 55, 955 (1997)
66. R. M. Santilli, Found. Phys. Letters, Vol. 10, P. 307 (1997)
67. R. M. Santilli, "Isotopic, Genotopic, and Hyperstructural Methods in Theoretical
Biology", Ukraine Academy of Sciences, Kiev (1997)
68. R. M. Santilli, Acta Appl. Math. 50, 177 (1998)
69. R. M. Santilli, Intern. J. Modern Phys. D 7, 351 (1998)
70. J. V. Kadeisvili, Acta Appl. Math. Vol. 50, p. 131 (1998)
71. R. M. Santilli, Intern. J. Modern Phys. A, Vol. 7, p. 351 (1998)
72. R. M. Santilli, in "Modern Modified Theories of Gravitation and
Cosmology", E. I. Guendelman, editor, hadronic J. Vol 21, p. 113 (1998)
73. R. M. Santilli, Hadronic J. Vol. 21, p. 789 (1998)
74. R. M. Santilli, Modern Phys. Letters, Vol. 13, p. 327 (1998)
75. Yu. Arestov, et al., Found. Phys. Letters Vol. 11, p. 483 (1998)
76. R. M. Santilli, "Exact-numerical representation of nuclear magnetic moments via hadronic
mechanics", J. New Energy, in press (1999)
77. R. M. Santilli and D. D. Shillady, "Isochemical model of the hydrogen
molecule" and "isochemical model of the Water molecule", Intern. J. Hydrogen Energy, in press (1999)
78. R. M. Santilli, "A classical isodual theory of antimatter and its prediction of
antigravity", Intern. J. Modern Phys. A, in press (1999)
79. R. M. Santilli, Origin, Problematic aspects and invariant formulation of classical and quantum deformations, Intern. J. Modern Physics A , in press (1999)
80. R. M. Santilli, "Physical laws of new energies as predicted by hadronic
mechanics", Papers I,. II, III, IV and V, J. New Energies, ion press (1999)
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